
Give old luminaires new life

Re:Furbish is an initiative within Circular solutions – one of our four sustainability focus areas. By upgrading and improving existing luminaires, we can jointly create major benefits for the climate, the project’s economy, and future lighting comfort.

ReFurbish 2024

Why Re:Furbish?

Refurbishing an existing luminaire provides the same high quality and good light comfort as a new one – with increased durability and the possibility of lower costs. With new LEDs and intuitive lighting control from Organic Response, you save energy and have more opportunities to adapt lighting to your company’s needs.


Safety first

Quality and safety always have the highest priority, regardless of whether a luminaire is new or old. All rebuilt or modified luminaires are re-tested and CE marked – and are ready for immediate use. The updated luminaire comes with a five-year warranty.

Update your outdated DTI with our standard kit

We’re on a Re:Furbish journey, and step by step we’re developing new solutions. The majority of the luminaires within the DTI family is now available for your next project, please get in touch with your Fagerhult contact to learn more.

DTI ReFurbish

Re:Furbish in four easy steps

Each project is based on the conditions of the existing luminaires, and we need to analyse the product carefully to develop a new solution. If you are curious about whether your project’s luminaires can be reused, upcycled, and given a new life, get in touch and we will help you.


The first step is to determine whether the luminaires are suitable for Re:Furbish or if they need to be replaced with new ones. We do this by looking at the design of the luminaire, the properties of the materials, the possibilities for good light comfort, along with safety and sustainability factors.


To undertake the project, we need to secure optics, technology, and materials based on two physical samples of the existing luminaire. Through careful analyses and calculations, we find out the new luminaire’s efficiency and climate impact. Before we go any further, we present our proposal, which includes drawings and a test luminaire, along with a quote for you to consider.


Once the new luminaire has been approved, production will start and the Re:Furbish kits are prepared for delivery. The new solution is tested, and all luminaires are CE-marked – and ready for use immediately after installation. The Re:Furbish-kit comes with a five-year warranty.


When the Re:Furbish kit is delivered, it is ready to be installed in the existing luminaire housing. Detailed documentation is provided for each project, along with clear instructions 

Use our calculator to see your CO₂-savings

Different materials leave different footprints in the environment. When we rebuild, update or reuse existing luminaires, we do not unnecessarily consume the Earth's resources. With this awareness, we want to build the luminaires of the future in a more sustainable way.

Below you can drag the slider to see for yourself,
how a small change can make a big difference in emissions.

The calculations are based on kg CO2e/kg material (steel, plastic, aluminium). For plastic, an average value has been used. In making a general calculation, you can assume that an average office pendant weighs about 2-3 kg.
Sources: Base Impacts and DEFRA.

kg CO₂e
Select material to see how much you can reduce CO₂ emissions by reusing existing luminaires.



Life cycle assessment

A life cycle assessment (LCA) is a thorough analysis of how different products, or services, affect the environment throughout its life cycle. With this as a basis, we have identified the recycling of materials in lighting solutions as an area where we can make a big difference. Read more about how we work with life cycle assessments, as well as our results and insights we’ve gained.


2 700 Re:Furbished luminaires for reduced climate impact

Greenhouse in Stockholm - a real estate project focusing on reusing what is already there and utilising smart lighting control systems to achieve great environmental savings. Learn about a truly sustainable project with its vision, challenges and above all – successes. Explore how you can future-proof your property while making it more sustainable.

Read the full article here


A product – from grave to cradle

The idea of renovating or rebuilding old luminaire housings to save materials and energy is an area that is rapidly growing. And sometimes what an old luminaire needs can be just a little love and engineering skills – to be able to shine brightly once again. Meet two of Fagerhult's project managers, Johan Ericsson and Peter Eklund, who love taking on a challenge. Preferably those that are absolutely impossible. 

Do you want to review your lighting solution too?  

Do you need to update, replace or rebuild your existing lighting solution – or maybe you just want to know a little more about how a Re:Furbish project is carried out? Do not hesitate to contact your local sales office for guidance and more information. Looking forward to hearing from you!